Worship Moved to Online Only for Next Two Sundays

January 7th, 2022
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I have spoken with the church council concerning the record COVID #s we have been experiencing in our area. It is not only a record in positivity rate but also in the lack of availability of ICU beds at our local hospitals. Due to this, we will be moving worship to online only for the next two Sundays (January 9 and 16). We will move the annual meeting to January 30. Jesus calls us to love one another. We do this as an act of safety and care for our neighbors.
What we do with Sunday School is TBD. We will be sure to contact our Sunday School parents with how we choose to move forward.
Bible Study will still be gathering on Wednesdays @9:30 am.
I apologize for the inconvienence this places on how we worship. I look forward to seeing your faces soon.
In humble service,
Reed Lee Pedersen
Pastor of Augustana Lutheran Church